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Code of conduct for Students

  1. Every student on securing admission will be provided his / her identity card. The procedure for obtaining the identity card will be put up on the Library Notice Board. Every Student must always wear the ID card around the neck at all times and shall not be permitted to enter the premises, to attend lectures, tutorials, practicals or use the library unless he / she has the identity card. The identity cards are not transferable. If lost, duplicate will be issued against affi davit and a charge.
  2. Students shall attend lectures, tutorials, practicals, presentation and seminars according to the time table on all working days of the college. Students shall not absent themselves from lectures, tutorials, practicals, seminars, presentations and examinations without the prior permission of the Principal.
  3. In case of illness, a student shall apply for leave, as soon as possible, with a doctor’s certifi cate attached to the application. The student shall report to the Principal immediately on resuming the college and shall submit the necessary fi tness certifi cate.
  4. The Term or Terms shall not be deemed as kept and shall not be granted unless the student has completed the prescribed tutorial work, practicals, assignments and projects as applicable, supported by certificates. Also, the minimum of attendance is kept as per University rules.
  5. Students are not allowed to attend classes in the college for which they are not enrolled without the prior permission of the Principal.
  6. The conduct of students inside the class rooms, in the premises of the college and outside the college shall be such that it will not intefere with the orderly administration and discipline in the college or cause any disturbances to fellow students.
  7. Students shall not loiter in the college premises while the classes are on.
  8. Smoking, spitting, chewing pan, chewing gum and use of mobile phones in the college premises are strictly prohibited.
  9. No Society or Association shall be formed in the college and no person invited to address a meeting without the prior permission of the Principal.
  10. College debates and other meetings shall be chaired by a responsible person approved by the Principal and the subject of debates shall be scrutinized by the Principal.
  11. No student shall collect any money as contribution for picnic, educational tours, gettogethers, study notes or charity or any other activity without the prior permission of the Principal.
  12. No student shall communicate any information to or write in the press or websites, including Social networking sites, about matters dealing with the college administration or students or teachers. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against such students, including rustication from college.
  13. No student shall be allowed to take active part in politics.
  14. Students applying for certifi cates, testimonials etc. and those requiring the Principal’s signature on any kind of documents or application should contact the college offi ce during alloted hours. No papers / documents should be brought by students directly to the Principal for signature.
  15. Those requiring certifi cates or testimonials with reference to their performance and progress in subject or activity should contact the college office.
  16. Students are expected to take care of the College property and help in keeping the premises clean. Damage to the property of the college, such as disfi guring walls, doors, breaking furniture / fi ttings etc. is a breach of discipline and will attract severe punishment.
  17. Students are advised to carry with them their books, valuables and other belongings whenever they leave their classrooms. The College is not responsible for any loss of student’s property. Those who fi nd any lost property should deposit them in the College offi ce. The owner should claim the lost property at the offi ce counter the following day after due identifi cation.
  18. Mobiles should be kept switchted off in the class-rooms, laboratories and library or anywhere where it is likely to disturb others. Listening to music is forbidden in the entire college presmises. Bringing or using accessories such as earplugs or Bluetooth device are strictly prohibited.
  19. If, for any reason, the continuance of a student in the college is, in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental to the best interests of the college, the Principal may ask such a student to leave the college without assigning any reason.
  20. Students resorting to unfair means in examinations will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Government of Maharashtra Act No. XXXI of 1982 and the Mumbai University Act 1994.
  21. The College does not enforce a dress code. However, all students are expected to observe decorum to enhance the image of the College.
  22. While representing the College at any other place, the studnet’s behaviour should be be detrimental to the image of the College.
  23. In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report to the student counsel or class teacher who will help them solve their problems.
  24. The government of maharashtra has notified ragging as a Cognizable offence. Anyone reported to be involved in any form Of ragging will be severely dealt with. Therefore, students are Required to refrain from indulging in any form of ragging.
  25. If a student intends to leave college at the end of a term he / she has to obtain an N.O.C. An application for N.O.C. has to be submitted before one week prior to expiry of the term. If no application is received within the stipulated time N.O.C. may not be issued. Students joining the college are expected to observe all the rules and regulations of the college. Any violation of the same will attract penalty.

    Note: Matters not covered by the above-mentioned rules and regulations shall rest with the discretion of the Principal. The rules may be amended and such rules will be displayed on the notice board.
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