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Certificate Courses

Certificate Course in in Corporate advanced excel
A 30 hours Certificate Course in Corporate advanced excel.
Any Candidate who has passed 12th Exam from any Faculty ( Arts / Commerce / Science )
Fees - Rs. 3500/-* (Subject to Revise by Competent Authority)
Course Contents:
  1. Introduction to excel
  2. Formatting excel work block
  3. Perform calculations with functions
  4. Sort and filter data with excel
  5. Create effective charts to present data visually
  6. Performing lookup in excel
  7. Analyse data using pivot tables and pivot charts
  8. Protecting and sharing the workbook
  9. Microsoft power point
  10. Microsoft word

Click here for registration

Certificate Course In Personality Development
A One-year part time Certificate Course in Personality Development
Any Candidate who has passed 10th, 12th Exam from any Faculty ( Arts / Commerce / Science )
Fees - Rs. 500/-* (Subject to Revise by Competent Authority)
Course Contents:
  1. Introduction on Soft Skills
  2. Career -planning
  3. Develop Self -confidence And Motivation
  4. Etiquette
  5. Morals, Values and Principles
  6. Communication Skills
  7. Emotional Intelligence
  8. Relationship Building
  9. Conflict Management
  10. Interview Skills
Click here for registration

Certificate Course In Digital Marketing
A 30 hours Certificate Course in Digital Marketing Batch./td>
Any Candidate who has passed 10th, 12th Exam from any Faculty ( Arts / Commerce / Science )
Fees - Rs. 3500/-* (Subject to Revise by Competent Authority)
Course Contents:
  1. SEO
  2. Meta- Insta Marketing
  3. You Tube marketing
  4. Google Analytics
  5. Google Adwords
  6. Chat GPT in DM and more
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